"Terri" Trailer

(2011) Associate Producer

Starring - John C. Reilly, Jacob Wysocki

Director - Azazel Jacobs

*Sundance 2012
*Distributed by ATO Pictures

"Brazzaville Teen-Ager"

(2012) Staff Producer | Ghost Robot X JASH 

Starring - Michael Cera, Kelis

Director - Michael Cera 

"The Sleepy Man" | Official Trailer

(2012) Producer

Starring - John Hawkes

Directed by - Oona Mekas

* based on the short story "Sleepy People" by Jonathan Lethem

"Blue Valentine" Trailer

(2010) Producer's Assistant 

Starring - Michelle Williams, Ryan Gosling

Director - Derek Cianfrance 

*Sundance Film Festival
*Cannes Film Festival

"Northeast" Official Trailer

(2010)  Producer

Starring - David Call, Eleonore Hendricks

Director - Greg Kohn

*Distributed by Tribeca Films

NYTimes 'T' Website - "Take 2: Greenpoint, New York"

(2008) Associate Producer | Knowmore Productions

Starring - Charlie Cox, Lilly Cole, Zoe Lister Jones, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Kate Mara, Angela McCLuskey

Director - Brody Baker


NY Times 'T' Magazine - "Take: Utah"

(2008) Associate Producer | Knowmore Productions

Starring - Josh Hartnett, Michael Pitt

Director - Brody Baker


(2010) Producer

Director - Michael Tyburski

*Brooklyn Rooftop Film Festival
*Vimeo Staff Pick 

"Patrol" Trailer

(2009) Producer

Director - John Patton Ford

*Sundance 2010
*Finalist for Student Oscar


(2011) Producer

Director - Tracey Snelling


Oakland Museum of CA | "White Gloves"

(2011) Co - Producer | Nora Films

Client - Oakland Museum of California

Director - Courtney Stephens

"The Bicycle"

(2013) Producer

Director - Adam Neusdater

*Vimeo Staff Pick

"Terri" Trailer
"Brazzaville Teen-Ager"
"The Sleepy Man" | Official Trailer
"Blue Valentine" Trailer
"Northeast" Official Trailer
NYTimes 'T' Website - "Take 2: Greenpoint, New York"
NY Times 'T' Magazine - "Take: Utah"
"Patrol" Trailer
Oakland Museum of CA | "White Gloves"
"The Bicycle"
"Terri" Trailer

(2011) Associate Producer

Starring - John C. Reilly, Jacob Wysocki

Director - Azazel Jacobs

*Sundance 2012
*Distributed by ATO Pictures

"Brazzaville Teen-Ager"

(2012) Staff Producer | Ghost Robot X JASH 

Starring - Michael Cera, Kelis

Director - Michael Cera 

"The Sleepy Man" | Official Trailer

(2012) Producer

Starring - John Hawkes

Directed by - Oona Mekas

* based on the short story "Sleepy People" by Jonathan Lethem

"Blue Valentine" Trailer

(2010) Producer's Assistant 

Starring - Michelle Williams, Ryan Gosling

Director - Derek Cianfrance 

*Sundance Film Festival
*Cannes Film Festival

"Northeast" Official Trailer

(2010)  Producer

Starring - David Call, Eleonore Hendricks

Director - Greg Kohn

*Distributed by Tribeca Films

NYTimes 'T' Website - "Take 2: Greenpoint, New York"

(2008) Associate Producer | Knowmore Productions

Starring - Charlie Cox, Lilly Cole, Zoe Lister Jones, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Kate Mara, Angela McCLuskey

Director - Brody Baker


NY Times 'T' Magazine - "Take: Utah"

(2008) Associate Producer | Knowmore Productions

Starring - Josh Hartnett, Michael Pitt

Director - Brody Baker


(2010) Producer

Director - Michael Tyburski

*Brooklyn Rooftop Film Festival
*Vimeo Staff Pick 

"Patrol" Trailer

(2009) Producer

Director - John Patton Ford

*Sundance 2010
*Finalist for Student Oscar


(2011) Producer

Director - Tracey Snelling


Oakland Museum of CA | "White Gloves"

(2011) Co - Producer | Nora Films

Client - Oakland Museum of California

Director - Courtney Stephens

"The Bicycle"

(2013) Producer

Director - Adam Neusdater

*Vimeo Staff Pick

show thumbnails